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Achieving and maintaining a silk press can be difficult, especially if you have high porosity hair. Then, use a wide-tooth comb to distribute the product evenly. However, there are simple steps to follow on how to silk press 4c hair. For one, the strands are extremely close together, which makes it appear fuller than other types of hair. Additionally, the strands are very fine, which makes them more prone to damage.
For looser curls, this tool also comes in 2” plates to straighten even more hair at a time. And monoi oil meant to help restore damaged hair while strengthening it to protect it from future damage. This conditioner is especially effective for those that use heat often or have color-treated hair. I'm a wife, mom of 2 boys, and a Public Health researcher from Southern California. I love to share healthy hair care practices, as this is what helped me achieve waist-length hair. I hope you find my blog articles helpful within your hair care journey.
Prep your hair with styling products
Hair doesn’t only have the potential to become damaged from direct heat. Adding heat to hair can cause it to become dryer than normal, especially if you’re trying to avoid water and reversion. Like most things, silk presses come with pros and cons. To maintain the health of your hair, stylists recommend not having a silk press for three to four months after your initial press. Heat can be very damaging, especially to 4c hair, which is already fragile.
Place the brush on the underside of your hair, and marry your blowdryer to the brush, on top of your hair. Slide the brush and blowdryer down the length of your hair. While you’ll want to use oil sparingly on your hair while it’s straight, it can still be a useful part of maintaining a silk press. The convenient dropper on this nutrient-rich product makes it easy to apply as little or as much as you need, delivering essential oils for both your hair and scalp. It’s also great for smoothing split ends, which is key to retaining length and a smooth look.
Straighten your hair
Silk pressing is a way to smooth and straighten your hair without the use of chemicals. Silk pressing is superior to the old “hot comb” method as it does not use heavy oils that can make the hair stiff. You can achieve this salon look at home by first cleansing and moisturizing hair, then using your flat iron to straighten the hair, one small section at a time. There are many flat irons made with natural hair in mind. This tool is the number one most important part of a blowout for a silky, shiny look, as it is its heat processing that temporarily changes your hair's texture.

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about silk pressing 4C hair. If you have 4C hair and you’re looking to achieve a silk press, there are a few things you need to know. You don’t want to overdo it and end up damaging your hair. Finally, make sure that you blot your hair dry with a towel instead of rubbing it. This will help to minimize frizz and maintain the silk press. Another way is to apply a leave-in conditioner before you get your hair wet.
What is a Silk Press?
While the silk press is a popular choice for many women, it’s important to know that this method can be damaging to your hair if not done correctly. Take one section of hair and place the hot comb at the roots. Gently glide the hot comb down the hair shaft, making sure to keep the comb moving so it doesn’t burn your hair. When you reach the ends, brush them out and repeat with the next section. Section your hair into 4 or 5 sections, and then use a paddle brush to smooth each section. Towel-dry your hair and then apply a moisturizing styling cream.
Applying a light serum before you silk press your hair won’t only protect it from heat damage, but also help you get that silky and bouncy finish you’re going for. A silk press is a popular hairstyling technique used to achieve a sleek, straight appearance. It is perfect for those with natural hair textures like 4C hair, as it helps to reduce frizz and add shine. It’s important to let the conditioner sit for minutes to reap the benefits . You can also opt to sit with a shower cap over the conditioner to help the product penetrate the hair.
Thoroughly cleanse your hair
I swore then and there that I would never put such extreme heat on my hair. Of course, it doesn’t help that I spend entirely too much time on YouTube watching silk press videos of 4c hair being transformed. Clip back most of your hair so it doesn't get in the way while you're using the flatiron. Try clipping up both sides, as well as the top and the back. Weighing your hair down with products will make it look greasy.

To silk press natural hair, you'll need a flat iron and some leave-in conditioner. First, shampoo your hair a few times to remove any dirt and oil. When you get out of the shower, apply a leave-in conditioner to protect your hair from the heat of your flat iron. Blow-dry your hair, combing or brushing it out as you go into large sections. When your hair is fully dry, take a 1/4 inch thick section from the bottom layer and slowly run your flat iron over it, starting as close to your scalp as possible. Ideally, you'll only want to move your flat iron over each section once to avoid heat damage.
Where a silk press can be worn for up to a couple weeks, a keratin treatment is a chemical process that lasts for three to six months. It fully alters the structure of your hair on a much deeper level than a temporary press does. Your hair should never smell singed or burnt while styling. In order to prevent heat damage, avoid setting your iron over 400 degrees. A relaxer is done on natural hair too, but it involves the use of chemicals to make the hair straight.

Using too many products can also cause your hair to become limp and lifeless. Leave the conditioner in for at least 30 minutes, and then rinse it out thoroughly with cool water to seal your cuticles. Because of its tightness, 4C hair can be more difficult to style than other types of hair.
A silk press can give your hair a sleek, straight look that’s perfect for special occasions. And while it may take some time to get the hang of the process, once you do, you’ll be able to achieve amazing results at home. Silk pressing is a process of pressing the hair with a hot comb to achieve a straight, sleek look. The process can be done at home with a few simple tools. There are two new deep conditioners I've added to my wash day routine to try something new, and I have been impressed by both.
Find a comfortable seat in front of a mirror and part your hair into four even sections . With a flat iron set to approximately 345 degrees, pick up your nylon bristle brush, and divide off a small cluster of hair from one of the back two quadrants. Set your bristle brush at the root of the tiny section, and lightly brush one or two times to smooth. Slowly guide the brush down the hair shaft with the flat iron trailing directly behind it, making sure to straighten from root to tip. Put on your favorite TV show and continue to work with equally small sections around the head.
Apply a silk press serum to your hair, making sure to focus on the ends. Use a boar-bristle brush to distribute the conditioner evenly throughout your hair. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. If you want, you can also apply a little bit of argan oil to your hairline to prevent breakage. As mentioned, you'll want to use oil sparingly on ironed hair, but a strengthening oil is still a very helpful addition to your routine.

Despite these challenges, 4C hair can be beautiful and healthy when properly cared for. Plus, it can be straightened without any chemicals using the silk press method. Use a flat iron to straighten your hair, starting at the roots and working your way down to the ends. I am still asked more often than I’d like, “When are you going to straighten your hair? " I've even heard, “You used to be so pretty with straight hair,” as if once I went natural, any ounce of beauty they thought I possessed went out the window.
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